White paper

Disaster Recovery and Replication
for Hyper-V VMs
using Altaro VM Backup

By Andy Syrewicze

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Many organizations today rely on the strict uptime of IT systems to ensure proper operation of the business. The uninterrupted availability of critical applications and services is an expectation, not only for the business’s end-customer, but also for internal users. There is little else that tries the patience of an end-user trying to do their job or upper management doing the same (while worrying about the company’s bottom line) like an outage. So, we must ensure availability at all costs where possible, even during a disaster situation.

This whitepaper explains how to secure critical business operations and ensure availability of critical VMs in your infrastructure using Altaro and Public Cloud technologies. It covers everything you need to get started including:

  • Defining RPOs and RTOs
  • How to set up replication and conduct the initial replication
  • How to monitor replication jobs
  • How to failover to a DR site

About the Author

Andy Author

Andy Syrewicze

Cloud & Datacenter Management MVP

Technical Evangelist - Altaro

Andy is a 15+ year IT pro specializing in Virtualization, Storage, Cloud, and Infrastructure. By day he's a Technical Evangelist for Altaro, leading technical content and pre-sales. By night he shares his IT knowledge online or over a cold beer. He holds the Microsoft MVP award in Cloud and Datacenter Management, and one of few who is also a VMware vExpert.