How to run an unattended vCSA installation

It is possible to install vCSA, or PSC for that matter, using the command line as opposed to the UI installer. An unattended vCSA installation is something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time but never really found the time, until now. Hence today’s post, is a step by step tutorial on how to run an unattended vCSA 6.5 install from the command line.

If you’ve missed the news, have a look at vSphere 6.5 Update 1 – What you need to know where I outline the latest features this recent vSphere update brings to the table. And if you do not fancy working from the command line, How to install vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 from scratch shows you how to install vCSA 6.5 the easy way.


Running an unattended vCSA installation

Step 1: Choose a FQDN such as vcsa65.acme.local and create the respective A and PTR records on your DNS server.

Step 2: Choose where you want vCSA installed along with the type of deployment. For this post, I’ll be installing a vCSA with an embedded PSC on an ESXi host itself managed by vCenter Server.

Step 3: Mount the vCSA ISO image and navigate to \vcsa-cli-installer\templates\install. The folder contains JSON configuration files which you can edit and then use with the vCSA command line installer. The JSON file used in conjunction with command line parameters, provides a way to run an unattended vCSA installation.

Make sure that the JSON file chosen reflects the deployment type selected. As per Fig.1, I selected the  embedded_vCSA_on_VC.json file to match the deployment type I’m aiming for.

Figure 1 - JSON vCSA installation configuration files

Figure 1 – vCSA install configuration JSON files


Step 4: Copy the selected JSON file to a local folder on your computer; where you’re running the installer from.

Step 5: Using Notepad ++ or similar (Fig.2), edit the JSON file as follows. Refer to this link for a complete list of parameters.


Section 1 and 2: Target vCenter Server details

Hostname The FQDN or IP of the ESXi host or vCenter Server on which vCSA is installed.
username & password The credentials needed to access vCenter Server or ESXi The portgroup to which vCSA connects to.
datacenter The datacenter where vCSA is deployed. Applicable only if targeting vCenter.
datastore The name of the datastore where vCSA will reside.
target The IP address of the ESXi host on which the datastore is mounted.


Section 3: vCSA deployment details

thin.disk.mode  Determines if the vCSA’s disk are created using thin disk mode.
deployment.option  Refer to this to review the available deployment types.
name  The name assigned to vCSA’s VM; as displayed in the inventory.


Section 4: vCSA network details  The IP version used (4 or 6) for the network configuration.
mode  Determines if static and dhcp network settings are used.
ip  The IP address assigned to the vCSA.
dns.servers  A comma-separated IP address list of DNS servers configured on vCSA.
prefix  Subnet mask in prefix format (Ex. = 24, = 20).
gateway  The IP address of the default gateway set on vCSA  The FQDN (hostname) for the appliance.


Section 5 & 6: vCSA OS and SSO details

password  The root password used to access vCSA’s via SSH, VAMI or otherwise.
ssh.enable  Set to true to enable SSH access by default.
password  This is the password for [email protected].
domain-name  The SSO domain name (you can leave it as is).
site-name  The SSO domain site name.


Figure 2 - Editing a vCSA installation JSON configuration file

Figure 2 – Editing a vCSA install configuration JSON file


Step 6: Retrieve the SSL thumbprint for the vCSA’s machine certificate. You can easily do this by pointing your browser to https:\\<vcsa IP or FQDN>\psc. Copy the thumbprint value as shown in Fig.3. Navigate to Certificate Authority, make sure Machine_SSL_Cert is selected and click on Show Details. Highlight the thumbprint on the Entry Details dialog box and press Ctrl-C and copy it to Notepad or something similar.

Figure 3 - Retrieving the parent vCSA's SSL certificate thumbprint

Figure 3 – Retrieving the parent vCSA’s SSL certificate thumbprint


Step 7: Open an administrative command prompt and navigate to \vcsa-cli-installer\win32 on the mounted ISO image.

Step 8: Perform a verification check using vcsa-deploy install –verify-only. The full syntax is shown next.

As implied, you can simulate the installation process and verify the JSON configuration file at the same time without actually installing anything. The SSL thumbprint captured previously is used with the –deployment-target-ssl-thumbprint parameter (used for the SSL verification process). The –accept-eula parameter is used to automatically accept the EULA which allows us to run a fully unattended installation. Verification is a 4-step process. If all goes to plan, a Verification completed successfully message is displayed at the end of command’s output as shown next.

Figure 4 - Simulating an unattended vCSA deployment

Figure 4 – Simulating an unattended vCSA deployment


Step 9: Deploy the vCSA

If the verification process looks good, run the same command this time omitting the verify-only parameter. The first stage of the installation process deploys vCSA OVA to the respective host or vCenter Server.

Figure 5 - Deploying a vCSA from the command line

Figure 5a – Deploying a vCSA from the command line


Note that this is the same 2-stage OVA deployment / configuration process that you’ll go through when installing vCSA using the UI method. Fig. 5b, shows the second stage installation in progress.

Figure 5b - Deploying a vCSA from the command line

Figure 5b – Deploying a vCSA from the command line


The Finished successfully line at the bottom (Fig.6), is an obvious telltale sign that the installation was successful. If things go south, have a look at the vcsa-cli-installer.log file for clues.

Figure 6 - A vCSA command line unattended install completes successfully

Figure 6 – A vCSA command line unattended install completes successfully



That’s all there is to installing vCSA from the command line. I think that this is a quicker option to using the UI method albeit a little bit more tedious. However, if like me you find yourself deploying vCSA on a frequent basis on the same vCenter Server (or ESXi host) and datastore, then this is one option to keep in mind.

Speaking of which, if you’re planning on upgrading vCSA 6.5 anytime soon, do have a look at 3 ways to update vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.

Regardless, it always helps to have second options. Above all, you can apply this knowledge to good use in your automation quests.

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